理学療法士 / カメラマン
1987年に千葉県生まれ。幼少の頃より記録としての写真表現に魅了された作品制作を行ってきたが、2012年に屋久島を訪れた際、太古から変わらない自然風景に魅せられ以後主に屋久島の風景写真を撮り始める。そして「第12回美しい風景写真展100人展」、「2016年前田真三賞一次予選通過」、その他コンテスト入賞経験を獲得するに至る。2015年より屋久島国際写真祭(Yakushima photography festival | YPF)にスタッフとして参加し、写真家渡部さとる氏、千々岩孝道氏との出会いを経て2016年、YPF共同設立者のAntonin Borgeaud氏、アートディレクターCleo Charuet氏の選考の下、南仏で開催されるLes Recontres d’Arles会期中にGalarie MONSTREにて初の海外展示の機会を得て国外での松原亮太の作品評価も高まっていった。2019年には、新たな写真表現を求めカナダモントリオールへ渡り、ヨーロッパ、中南米諸国と旅を重ねていくうちにロードムービーをモチーフとした作品制作に至る。松原亮太の写真表現は時とともに変化を遂げていく。様々な作品の根底に流れる「自然が持つ自由さ」を求める想いは、幼い頃からの冒険の炎を絶やさずにいるからである。
Ryota Matsubara who is a photographer was born in Chiba in 1987. He has been fascinated with making photographs for keeping records since his childfood. In 2012, he visited Yakushima, then he has got captivated by the nature which has never had any transitions since acient times. Therefor, he started to take photos of the landscape in Yakushima.Afterwords, He was selected “Fujifilm Landscape Photo Festival 2017″and passed the first stage of “The 17th Shinzo Maeda Award”. Since 2015, he has participated in Yakushima Photography Festival, “YPF” as a staff. At that time, he met Mr. Satoru Watanabe and Mr. Kodo Chijiiwa. In 2016, he was chosen by Mr. Antonin Borgeaud, a co-founder of YPF and Mr. Cleo Charuet, an art direcor for Galatie MONSTER which was held during Les Recontres d’Arles. It was the first time that his photographs have been exhibited abroad and he obtained the good evaluation of his work. In 2019, he has been to Montreal for looking for a new representation of photographs. Moreover, he traveled in Europe and Latin America and made photographs as he was inspired by a road movie. As described, Ryota’s photographic representation changes as times goes by. For the reason that his photographs is based in “the freedom of the nature” he’s demanding for and he has been keeping his enthusiasm for an adventure since he was a child.